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		encryption utility for human beings


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/!\ Warning! This is very unstable software, that can harm your data. Before any encryption actions with data you should backup that data. cryptutil is a small utility based on: • EcryptFS stack • Parted library • Cryptsetup tool for encryption and handling encrypted data in an easy way. Table of Content 0. Rationale 1. Installation 2. Basic Usage 3. Technical Details 4. Links ==== 0. Rationale There are a lot tools, which can encrypt data on GNU/Linux. But most popular of them are: • EcryptFS for directories • Cryptsetup for partitions/disks (via LUKS - Linux Unified Key Setup) But for handle encrypted data, these tools and their commands too dissimilar. cryptutil is just command-line front-end for handle encryption with simple actions, commands and options. ==== 1. Installation cryptutil can be installed from package, or from sources. Packages for Ubuntu can be found in this launchpad repository: Debian/Ubuntu-related stable source code tree (with debian/ directory for packaging): Debian/Ubuntu-related experimental source code tree: non-Debian/Ubuntu source code tree (without debian/ directory): Command for installation from sources: $ ./configure && make # make install ==== 2. Basic Usage Currently cryptutil support only basic operations, and only for directories via EcryptFS. For encrypt directory run in terminal: # cryptutil encrypt /path/to/directory You must be type password for encrypt your directory. /!\ WARNING! Password will be asked only one time without any prompt! And then just hit enter on FNEK question. Done! Your data is encrypted and directory is mounted and available for access. For unmount("unencrypt") directory: # umount /path/to/directory For decrypt directory: # cryptutil decrypt /path/to/directory You must be type password for decrypt your directory. And then just hit enter on FNEK question. Done! Your data is decrypted and directory is mounted again and available for access. If password is wrong, you can't get access to your directory. ==== 3. Technical Details cryptutil written in C with using: • exec calls for handling ecryptfs stack via mount • libparted for probe block devices and handle it for encryption* • cryptsetup/libcryptsetup for encrypt/decrypt block devices via LUKS* * - not implemented yet; work in progress. /!\ Note For using EcryptFS Linux kernel must have support EcryptFS module. For using LUKS Linux kernel must have support dm-crypt module. ==== 4. Links home page: github page: launchpad page: list of (known/reported) bugs: bug reporting form: Home pages of related projects: EcryptFS: Parted/Libparted: Cryptsetup/Libcryptsetup: Feel free for sending any questions/improvements/bug reports/patches/etc.